Resident Questions for Housing Area Panel


Housing [HB1] [NB2] [3] 

Date question raised


Date of Area Panel


Area in city


Star rating applied by residents

2 star – local area issue

Deadline for officer response


Name of officer responding

Theresa Youngman

Officer job title

Programme Delivery Manager

Title of Question:

Survey of properties in Hollingdean


A survey was carried out on flats in Hollingdean, and residents asked for a survey of houses (not just flats) to also be carried out (see Minutes of North Area Residents Only meeting 26th October 2021).

Geof Gage was asked for a copy of the existing survey at the December 2021 Area Panel, but Hollingdean Residents Association have not yet received this.




Action requested by residents:

Geof Gage to send a copy of the survey to Hollingdean Residents Association.

Officer Response: Theresa Youngman


Officer contact details:



A copy of the current years programme of works being undertaken in Hollingdean will be forwarded and provided at the meeting. We are at present compiling future 3 and 5 year programmes which will be published after budget setting has been agreed in October.


Specific Action:




To circulate 3 year programme when fully compiled.



Start date:

July 20 2022

End date:

November 2022



 [HB1]@Housing Area Panel Questions

@Sharon Alboni is this the one [NB2]

 [3]No, go onto the overview sheet.  No 20 is the correct one?